ASCHIMFARMA is the Italian Association of manufacturers of active ingredients and intermediates for the pharmaceutical industry, which enrols Italian and international companies, producers of organic molecules realized with industrial processes of high technological level both in the development step and production.
Italy holds a primary position in the world market in this sector and exports more than 85% of its production to more than 90 countries.
The companies associated to Aschimfarma are characterised by their strict application of Good Manufacturing Practicies which allows them to reach the highest levels of quality and reliability.
ASCHIMFARMA is one of the 17 Associations, which are part of FEDERCHIMICA. The Italian Federation of the Chemical Industry is a member of CONFINDUSTRIA and joins CEFIC.
It's left to ASCHIMFARMA in charge, in exclusive way, the representation and the safeguard of the interests of the member companies, the competence and the study of the problems of specific sectorial interest, the assistance on technical-economic basis of the members and the defence of the image.
Aschimfarma actively works to create awareness among its members of themes such as Research and Development, health and safety in the workplace, environmental protection, compliance with the numerous regulations governing chemical industrial activity.
Italy has traditionally been the most important supplier of active ingredients to the worlwide pharmaceutical industry, the reason for this leadership being the country's long-standing chemical culture and the high quality of chemical teaching in its universities, coupled with Italian flexibility and creativity.
The Italian pharmaceutical chemical industry's international outlook, together with a strong presence within Italy of related industries (such as chemical engineering and chemical equipment manufacture) are additional factors which have enabled Italy to achieve its leading position in this field.
One of the quality elements that most characterizes the activity of Aschimfarma member companies is the quality of the product, quaranteeed by the strict application of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), by the Quality Sistem and by Certification in accordance with international ISO 9000 norms.
Member firms are also authorized by the Ministry of the Health and, for export purposes, are regularly inspected by official bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (USA).
One piece of data is sufficient to define the success of Aschimfarma companies worldwide: 85% of sales come from abroad.
A success that is the fruit of the great professionalism of staff, the development of innovative technological solutions, the quality and reliability of products: winning factors to enable member companies to achieve and maintain a leading position on the international market.