Representation and protection of the interests
ASCHIMFARMA, through its own functions and in collaboration with FEDERCHIMICA, carries out all the necessaries initiatives to the defence and assistance of the associated companies.
Through well-established relationships, it assures the institutional representation of the sector by the National Institutions and the central and regional Public Administrations.
It has the representation of the enterprises towards the trade-Unions, particularly with the settlement and the running of the CCNL (collective agreement).
Relationship with the Ministry of Health
Presence by the Roman branch of the Federation, at exclusive and free disposal for the Aschimfarma member companies, of staff engaged both to provide consultancy and updatings on the procedures for the right presentation of each file related to the firms / productions (authorizations, reports, certificates, permissions, renewals, changes, and so on), to make the delivery on behalf of each companies.
Realization of updating meetings about issues (technical, legislative, ….) of interest of the members.
Informative circular letters
Working out of the information and updatings on the topics of interest of the sector and organized mailing to the associated companies and their representatives.
Data bank of documents
Online electronic archive, protected by personal passwords, reserved to the members and which include letters, news, minutes of the meetings, laws, and so on.
Attendance at the specialized Commissions
Constitution of Commissions, including representatives of the companies, and which are co-ordinated by the Association, for monitoring the areas which affect in a meaningfull way the activity of the sector, for instance the ones related to industrial regulatories, product regulatories and marketing.
Working out of publications on special topics to investigate, to strengthen and to spread among the members knowledges and experiences of interest of the sector.
Directory of the members
The publication is now on informatic media - floppy disk - and contents the list of the products, the profiles, addresses, telephone and fax numbers for all the members. The Directory is an effective promotional tool.
Promotional program ICE/Aschimfarma
The program expects the institutional presence in the main international exhibitions of the sector with an Italian Pavillon, the planning of meetings with international operators, the realization of the attraction events.
Attendance at the International Bodies
The Association is a member of Cefic's EFCG (European Fine Chemicals Group) and the associated companies can therefore check the documentation and the position papers. Aschimfarma together with EFCG, according to necessity, meets European Authorities: DG SANCO (Health and Consumer), DG ENTR (Enterprise and Industry), EDQM (European Directorate Quality Medicines), EMA (European Medicines Agency) and other European stakeholders.
Technical scientific area
Safety products and industrial health; Plants, processes and resources, Logistics; Energy, Responsible Care and Environment; Research and Development.
Particular attention is turned to the safety issues: updating and integration of the technical and scientific regulations, and the understanding of the influence on the chemical industry; Support to the companies towards Public Administrations; Organization of training projects; drawing up of position papers and documents, publications, explanatory softwares.
Trade-Union area
Collective agreement; social and labour Legislation; statistical Surveys, Training
Support on the regulatory issues, juridical interpretative, social security, and training related to the laws and the agreements which rule the labour relationships; writing and promotion of guidelines on the integrative company agreement, oriented to make it consistent with the choices, studied for each sectors; cultural and professional development of the human resources through training courses for managers and workers.
Studies and internationalization area
Studies, Promotion of the Internationalization, Foreign Trade
Analysis of statistics regarding the chemical industry and each sectors. Promotion abroad of the Italian products, support to the enterprises on foreign trade issues (antidumping, request for tariff suspension or quota, and so on)
Image and communication area
Support related to the communication topics for assuring an accurate external image of the chemical sector and of its projects.